The Problem with transportation in Miami-Dade County lies with years of inaction and mismanagement. This is our diagnosis of what the problem with transportation is in Miami-Dade. Our solution is in the creation of the Miami-Dade Transportation Authority.
- The Problem with Transportation Planning in Miami-Dade
- Disconnected modes that should work together
- Lack of accountability and transparency in planning
- MDX plans and expand without transparent public input
- MDT cannot expand without bankrupting County govt; mired in politics
- MDX exacerbates traffic and safety problems without accountability to users: Tollation without representation
- Lack of options
- MDX trying to expand without other options.
- No real expansion of transit beyond MIC/Earlington Heights
- Bloated county government
- MDT is the second largest county department with limited efficiency
- Solution: Unify transportation agencies: Miami-Dade transportation Authority – MDTA
- Agency with a mandate to balance transportation options
- Reform PTP and ½ tax
- Share toll revenue, ROW to ensure transit expansion`
- Expand transit to places that warrant higher service
- Stop highway expansion – we do not need more highways
- Ensure roads are designed for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users AND cars
- Reach realistic goals over the next 50 years
- Provide 21 century outreach and access to data
- Three step plan:
- Establish MDTA
- Reform MPO
- Adopt new PTP & Budget