Is this the key to better mobility in Miami-Dade? More expressways? NO! Thankfully, our neighbors in South Dade agree:
From the Miami Herald:
“But not everyone is convinced. Mamie Attar, a resident of the Falls area, says she is hoping a collective effort will stop the project before it progresses any further.
“My biggest concern is that this will destroy the neighborhood,” Attar said. “They should be concerned in getting more buses for the busway.” Right on Mamie.
Dear Readers,
Very simple , return all your sunpass transporters, tell them you will not get on the expressway, they will have to find alternative ways to do this but it will shut down the way they do business. They have grown accostummed to you saying YES, paying for their wealth and toys while we all work an dstruggle. DO NOT let them manipulate you , change the root of the problem.
[siti] LOL, at night it seems like telling you come here .. come here . lo [aunty lily] I think it’s a robot my fimlay thinks so too it’s waving flag up and down none stop of course not the smart high-tech ones like Asimo Honda . lol
Glad to know your happy weekend in Mr.Lu\’s fmilay. My colleague, Mr. ZHUa0 suggested it is a good time to travel to the morthern part of Canada.Maybe you could try, since it is a summer time.
Dear Readers,
Very simple , return all your sunpass transporters, tell them you will not get on the expressway, they will have to find alternative ways to do this but it will shut down the way they do business. They have grown accostummed to you saying YES, paying for their wealth and toys while we all work and struggle. DO NOT let them manipulate you , change the root of the problem.