Category Archives: People’s Transportation Plan

Transit Tax Being Spent on Highways

Most probably don’t know this, but the CITT recently updated its website to show all of the new projects they are funding. Does anyone see a problem with this picture??

Below are the major transit projects proposed by the PTP

Funding of major highway and road improvements undertaken by Miami-Dade County Public Works through 2014 is among the many long-term benefits of the People’s Transportation Plan. These projects include:

  • Creating viable reverse flow lanes on major thoroughfares

  • Construction of NW 87th Avenue between NW 154th Street and Miami Gardens Drive ( NW 183rd Street)

  • Accelerating program to provide ADA accessibility to bus stops throughout the County

  • Constructing major ingress/egress improvements in downtown Miami, from SW 8th Street to SW First Avenue

  • Upgrading the County’s traffic signalization system

  • Funding grade separation of intersections where appropriate

An underpass at 87 ave and 8th street, to be funded by the half cent transit tax. Is this a joke??
An underpass at 87 ave and 8th street, to be funded by the half cent transit tax. Is this a joke??

In recent facebook post Miami-Dade transit had this to say:

In 2008, our elected officials admitted publicly, at a transportation forum held in November of that year and covered by the media, that a half-penny’s worth of taxes was not enough to fund the rail lines depicted. Since then the focus has been on bus rapid transit on managed lanes. We remain committed to providing the best possible service with the resources we have available.”


Managed lanes (read: lexus lanes) for transit!??? Our tax dollars are being spent to make high speed lexus lanes for the wealthy. Great. #epicfail